Morning Surprises

Diary Entry: November 28th

Author: Randy Right

I woke up this morning like so many other Mondays, groggy and annoyed at the sound of my alarm clock going off at 5 a.m. The routine that followed was the same as well. After hitting the snooze button four or five times I finally rolled myself out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom to begin my morning ritual.


Up to this point, things were as per usual. I showered and shaved, primped and polished. My work clothes had been set out from the night before. I finished getting ready then made my way to the kitchen to grab my lunch. Leaving the house, I trudged across the frost covered parking lot the 30 feet or so to get to my car. I hopped in, started it up and turned on the heat and defrost. I took this opportunity to look through the notifications on my phone while I waited for the thin sheet of ice to melt away from my windows. This is where my typical daily routine became not so routine.


Most of the time when I check my phone for notifications first thing in the morning, I’ve got the usual mix of app updates, maybe an upcoming bill reminder and some junk mail. Today, however, I was the recipient of something a bit more interesting.


As I swiped away at the list of notifications, one in particular stood out. It was an email from my wife. The subject of her message read, “Gooooood Morning!” and included a winky face at the end. “This should be good,” I thought to myself as I opened the email. “She never sends me a winky face unless it’s something really awesome.” And indeed it was.


Inside the body of the message was a link to her Flickr page and I was instantly excited to see what she had to show me. As the page loaded, I was greeted with 13 stunning photos of my wife having a little fun on her own.




We recently moved and in the process acquired a new bed. She was really excited about getting it and as you can see, her excitement is not to be taken lightly.




Also, she recently came into possession of some new kinky toys courtesy of her loving husband. It’s fairly obvious she was eager to try some of them out.




She ended up making quite the mess all over our new bed sheets before I even had the chance to sleep in them. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I happen to be a huge fan of how good she smells and tastes.




Maybe if we’re all lucky, the next entry I make here will include some photos of me tonguing her juicy twat. I know that after seeing these photos, my mouth is already watering. How about yours?


Flickr gallery: Breaking in the New Bed ❤

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